Artist Self-Organisation
Summary of Good Practice Recommendations
ARIs have a responsibility to:
consider individual circumstances of privilege or disadvantage when allocating resources
consider individual capacity when allocating responsibilities
ensure funding sources and partnerships align with the ARI’s written values
acknowledge, consult with, and seek consent from Traditional Custodians in person and online, as appropriate, see First Nations
provide a transparent and equitable selection process, see Equitable Application Processes
consider, communicate, plan and, where feasible, ensure accessibility (see Access Rights for d/Deaf and Disabled People) and cultural safety (see Racial Equity and Representation) of physical and online spaces
establish a clear leadership or management structure with diverse representation
consider diversity in work produced
ensure artists have given permission and receive credit for the use of their work
examine and mitigate the impacts of fundraising sales and auctions on artists
meet legal obligations in workplace health and safety (see Workplace Health and Safety), insurance (see Insurance), commercial property leases and intellectual property (see Intellectual Property)
Members have a responsibility to:
declare all conflicts of interest, real or perceived
Written policies should:
outline ARI’s goals and values
outline contributions and return of benefits (monetary and non-monetary)
outline the decision-making process
outline the conflict resolution process
Partnership agreements should:
outline expectations, roles and responsibilities of each party
acknowledge and address inequities between partners in remuneration, time, capacity and workload