1. Principles, Ethics and Rights
Summary of Good Practice Recommendations
Organisations have a responsibility to:
allocate staff, budget and resources for equitable application and selection processes
consult under-represented groups on the organisation's application and selection processes
advertise opportunities through diverse networks
provide program and application information in plain language statements accessible to screen readers, Auslan interpreted videos, and where possible, Easy English versions of information forms
provide options for flexible application formats, on request, including emailed applications, video submissions, and, where feasible, Auslan video submissions to be translated by the organisation
offer application support, such as information sessions, mentoring, workshops and flexible deadlines
ensure the selection panel includes people with diverse practices and lived experiences
engage decision-makers with lived experience to make decisions on related opportunities, e.g. First Nations decision-makers for a First Nations opportunity
pay decision-makers and consultants
provide training and support to decision-makers, including in equity, unconscious bias, conflicts of interests and microaggressions
discuss and acknowledge power imbalances on the selection panel; agree to hold each other to account
create a safe space in the panel room for honest discussion
make assessment criteria, definitions of merit and scoring processes transparent and available to applicants
provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants
solicit and respond to feedback from a diverse array of artists about barriers in existing application processes
monitor and evaluate the application process over time and track progress towards increased diversity of successful applicants
Artists have a responsibility to:
apply for opportunities in good faith
respect the privacy of members of selection panels