Payment Standards



These licensing fee recommendations are sourced from the Copyright Agency.

Fees do not include GST.

Print Reproduction

  • The fees below are minimum recommendations and are expected to increase for higher print runs and larger image sizes

  • Fees for monographic publications are generally paid as a percentage of the sale price

  • Discounts can apply, including for non-profits, high volumes, educational textbooks, and using multiple artworks in a publication (more than 5)

Rates last reviewed and updated by the Copyright Agency 2024.




Books distributed and

for use in Aus only

- interior use

Print run of 2000

$250 + GST

Books distributed and

for use in Aus only

- cover use

Print run of 2000

$750 + GST

Editorial use, such as

brochures, gallery guides

and annual reports

Print run up to 1000

$200 + GST per image

(half page reproduction)

Advertising use, such as

catalogues, leaflets and flyers

Print run up to 1000

$400 + GST per image

(half page reproduction)

Commercial billboards

3m x 2.5m
1 month duration

$1,500 + GST

Advertising posters

A3 posters 500 print run

$1,000 + GST

Merchandise, such as

mugs, clothing etc.


20% - 30% of the wholesale price,

or 10% - 20% of the retail price

Digital Use

  • Higher fees apply for commercial and advertising use, as well as featured digital use such as home page or banners on websites

Rates last reviewed and updated by the Copyright Agency 2024.




Internet use

(non-commercial website)

1-5 works,

1 year duration

$150 + GST per work

11-50 works,

1 year duration

$105 + GST per work

Digital broadcast, film, TV


Fees start at $200 + GST for an Australian documentary