Principles, Ethics and Rights
Summary of Good Practice Recommendations
Organisations have a responsibility to:
follow the law and best practice when seeking approvals from artists, publishing images of artworks, and respecting copyright, moral rights and IP (see Intellectual Property) and ICIP (see First Nations)
follow platform policies
check for accuracy when posting or resharing content
address guidelines with employees
carry out risk assessments
follow good practice for accessibility and inclusion (see Access Rights for d/Deaf and Disabled People and Racial Equity and Representation)
clearly outline agreements with influencers
monitor community engagement (including reporting, blocking or deleting content/followers)
seek external assistance if complex issues arise
maintain a duty of care for their staff, artists and collaborators
Artists have a responsibility to:
consider a separation of public vs private content they share online
weigh up the benefits and risk of sharing work online (notably due to most platforms having a non-exclusive royalty free licence for material shared)
flag any concerns or existing online issues with exhibiting organisations
notify exhibiting organisations if they receive negative attention due to their work being shared online
follow accessibility and inclusion best practices, (see Access Rights for d/Deaf and Disabled People and Racial Equity and Representation)
report infringements of copyright if they see their work published without permission