Principles, Ethics and Rights

Managing Volunteers and Interns

Summary of Good Practice Recommendations

Organisations have a responsibility to:

  • ensure volunteers and interns do not replace paid staff positions

  • budget time, money, resources, staff and space to meet the needs of volunteers and interns, including access provisions for d/Deaf and Disabled volunteers and interns

  • develop a volunteer and internship policy that outlines recruitment, management and equity provisions for unpaid work

  • consider ways to balance opportunities that flow from unpaid placements with opportunities for people from lower socio-economic backgrounds who are unable to undertake unpaid work

  • consider the motivations of volunteers and interns and support them to reach their goals

  • assign a dedicated manager or mentor to support volunteers and interns, and where possible, hire a volunteer coordinator 

  • formalise the recruitment, induction, mentoring and development processes

  • ensure volunteers and interns receive appropriate safety training and information

  • meet workplace health and safety and insurance obligations

  • provide feedback and/or references to volunteers and interns if requested 

  • acknowledge and credit input from volunteers and interns

Volunteers and interns have a responsibility to:

  • ensure that any commitments they make to unpaid work are reasonable and practical for them

  • communicate clearly with organisations if they need to change or end the arrangement

Agreements should:

  • outline benefits and expectations for all parties

  • outline likely time commitments and confirm that volunteers may discontinue at any time 

  • outline the timeframe for the project or position, including a stage for each party to review the progress