

Summary of Good Practice Recommendations

Host venues have a responsibility to:

  • enter into a tour venue agreement with the touring organisation

  • care for the works that are exhibited at their venue

  • ensure artist, performance and/or speaker fees are paid as agreed 

  • engage appropriately trained staff or volunteers

  • adhere to the contract

  • insure artworks whilst onsite, unless covered by the touring organisation

  • unpack and repack the artworks as per the instructions provided by the touring organisation

  • complete condition reports in detail upon arrival and departure from their venue

  • inform touring agent of any damages or breakages in detail

  • install the exhibition as per the instructions provided by the touring organisation

  • create and distribute promotional materials and online marketing

  • work with the touring organisation, or artists and curator/exhibition producers when adjustments to the exhibition are needed to suit the venue

  • consider, communicate, plan and, where feasible ensure accessibility of physical spaces, online spaces, resources and events, see Access Rights for d/Deaf and Disabled People

  • work collaboratively with the touring organisation, and artist or owner, to ensure compliance with Indigenous Cultural Intellectual Property (ICIP) protocols

  • invite speakers and hold appropriate launch event or opening

  • liaise with local media, educational, cultural and artistic groups 

  • develop public and educational programs with touring organisation

  • stock and sell merchandise associated with the tour

  • collect data and report to the touring organisation 

Touring organisations/managers have a responsibility to:

  • enter into a tour management agreement with the organising institution/initiating artist/curator

  • enter into a tour venue agreement with the host venues

  • organise and liaise with host venues, artists/owners and curators/exhibition producers

  • ensure host venues can appropriately care for works

  • outline accessibility of artworks and the exhibition as a whole

  • draw up agreements with each party

  • pay artists’ fees, travel, freight

  • develop a marketing plan and promotional strategy 

  • provide materials such as a touring manual, signage and didactics, education resources, catalogues, and promotional materials

  • manage sponsorship arrangements and acknowledgements 

  • assist in the management of any cultural protocols relevant to the touring or exhibition of works by First Nations artists, including ICIP protocols

  • support installation at host venues

  • provide venues with a list of key participants and their contact details

  • manage damage to artworks caused in transit or at host venue

  • ensure appropriate insurances in place for freight and host venues

  • ensure works adhere to intentions of artist/curator and copyright law

  • liaise with host venue/gallery staff, artists and freight providers

  • organise condition reports 

  • provide venues with condition reports

  • collaborate with host venues in the development of audience engagement activities

  • collect data for reporting and share with touring organisation, including overall attendance and attendance at public programs

  • collaborate with artists at all stages if they wish to be involved

Art, craft and design artists have a responsibility to:

  • provide the artwork and any required information such as value for insurance, packing or installation instructions and other detailed care instructions

  • provide images and text for use in promotional materials

  • consider, communicate, plan and, where possible, ensure accessibility of the work, see Access Rights for d/Deaf and Disabled People

  • ensure that the work is suitable for touring

  • work with the touring organisation to meet ICIP protocols 

  • communicate the extent to which they are willing and available to be involved in public programming, for e.g. giving talks, facilitating workshops, speaking with media and attending the opening

  • adapt artwork where required in consultation with curator and touring organisation

  • be available to repair work if damaged in transit